I know it’s not proper blog etiquette to write a post about how long it has been since you’ve written a post. However, I think, given the large-scale shift my life has taken in the nearly two years since I have posted, that I should repurpose this blog to fit my current life.

This past fall, I began PhD studies. I am beginning this task while still teaching. Over the course of this semester, I am teaching a mix of five courses ranging from an independent study and an accelerated five-week course to an overloaded literature survey course. Needless to say, my schedule is much more full than I care to acknowledge without falling into this abyss.

I have been trying to find a way to continue writing habitually while not Winona-ing. This was my thinking:

  1. I have writing and reading I must do to prepare for the classes I am both teaching and taking.
  2. The scientifically proven best method of study is “active recall”
  3. Then perhaps the best way to study is to write short recall essays about the material I need to study.

I am not certain this will work. And I am almost certain this will not be enjoyable for anyone else. But it may help me study more effectively and more enjoyably and hopefully help me kick off some of the stress building up from intake overload.

Of course…

Image result for community meme

It could lead to some less than favorable results…

I will not be setting too strict of a schedule, but my hopes are to post at least once each week. The weeks will alternate between the various materials I am working with. Here’s to hoping this will produce favorable results. Worst-case-scenario: I try to study in my own head and not out where you all can see my brain words.

Grace & Peace

One thought on “Relaunching, Rewriting, & Repurposing

  1. Haha – soy milk…LOL
    Go for it Nick – I have found it is almost always helpful when studying a subject to try to share it or teach it to others – hoping this is helpful for you!

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